Tonsilitis Red Spots On Tongue Tonsilitis Again?

Tonsilitis again? - tonsilitis red spots on tongue

took my son at age 2 to doc 2 weeks ago and had white spots on the back of the throat was amoxicillin. 2 weeks, the red lines on the back of the neck veins and white spots, has resurfaced. Guess the tonsillitis is back. How often do you have before you left Hosp doc. He had done everything in the restaurant when I was young, tonsils and Gromit adonoids. Who has done recently had a hearing test because of his speech, and some of which is itself abnormal.


gotmerid... said...

When I was young I used to get tonsillitis and was constantly on antibiotics all the time. The consultant at the hospital told me that I constantly for 2 years before we even, I should note must go! However, it was late teens, maybe your son was younger, if you have to do it, do not wait that long.

Michael said...

If tonsillitis is less than 2 months after sbetween after 5 times or if the doctor must refer to. Your child in the hospital for his tonsils.
Surges When you were young, I loved this type of surgery, but now, given the high risk of infection, are more cautious.

Hope this helps.

Michael said...

If tonsillitis is less than 2 months after sbetween after 5 times or if the doctor must refer to. Your child in the hospital for his tonsils.
Surges When you were young, I loved this type of surgery, but now, given the high risk of infection, are more cautious.

Hope this helps.

Bianca said...

In my area of 3 episodes in one year.

SalUK said...

Poor man - he grows out of it but that I promise.

springba... said...

White spots and inflammation as tonsillitis or tonsillar abscess and should not be allowed to occur more than twice the processing is anitbiotics. You're may be a child a ENT will be sent to ask GP referral, and sometimes the waiting list is too long to wait for appointments, but as a very young child who has seen, instead of leaving the are "child waiting to see.
Maintaining good oral hygiene, you may need medication to control its temperature., Down, surgeons are reluctant to remove tonsils these days, but every patient is different to your conscience, after all go, is the specialist.
Good luck with and hope that your boy is recovering quickly.

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