How Can I Stop My 3 Yr Grinding Their Teeth Teeth Grinding-please Help!?

Teeth grinding-please help!? - how can i stop my 3 yr grinding their teeth

Recently I have noticed that my 3 years. Son was grinding his teeth at night. Now I have taken throughout the day. I said stop and no longer work. I do not know what to do. I am afraid it will cause future harm. Please help.


Tink said...

You probably have TMJ (the so-called something like Tendibular Mandicular Mix). Basically, its blockade of the mandible. It runs in my family. My father was the use of a night watchman, who came from the dentist. You should really him immediately to the dentist because they cause damage, if you continue. For days, you can also try positive reinforcement, as if a
Day that passes without catching, grinding his teeth, then you will see an additional 1 / 2 hours of cartoons.

Slk said...

Take him to the dentist. There are several things that you do for him.

Queen_of... said...

DEP to her to a dentist. nightgaurds specific exercises that you do in the day. Good luck!

Starry Eyes said...

Yes, take him to the dentist. A friend of mine had the same problem and the doc has this nozzle thing. Teeth kept outside during the night and finally stopped. to take into account that could be a phase ... 3, and learn everything you can do your body. If you take damage yourself, then to the doc.

Mom to Foster Children said...

I grind my life. Unfortunately, they are still doing and drive my husband crazy and wild. Everything that is what I said that this is due to stress and the other is. My dentist I recommended a surgical mask to wear at night, but no dental insurance ... We can not. Make I have a local with a chemist, but does not fit right. As for damage to the future ... Just fill in your teeth cause some discomfort at times, but I remember my dentist telling me something else.

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