Day After Pregnancy Pill What Is The Percentage Pregnancy After Taking Morning-after Pill 17hrs After Intercourse In 15th Day Of Cycle?

What is the percentage pregnancy after taking morning-after pill 17hrs after intercourse in 15th day of cycle? - day after pregnancy pill

What percentage of pregnant after taking morning after pill 17hrs after intercourse on day 15 of the cycle?
Women aged 18 years. 15. Day of the cycle, when the relationship instead. What is failure rate? Please try to answer as quickly as possible when you see him. Ovulation has probably occurred already.


♥ lani s said...

Progestogen-only pill such as Plan B "morning-after pill reduces the risk of pregnancy by 89%. If these pills within the first 24 hours taken after sex, which reduces the risk of pregnancy up to 95%." Pill estrogen and progestin (known as "combined" pills) to reduce the risk of pregnancy by 75%.
(Note that measure difficult the precise effectiveness of emergency contraception, and some researchers believe that the efficacy will be lower than in the package labels can be assumed.)

Sarah said...

I would say that at any time. So make sure you see signs of pregnancy. You may already be concise. Ask your doctor if you think you might be pregnant. Sorry, that all information you can give it.

WoOzY!!!... said...

Sperm can survive up to 5 days, the "pill is then" 95% effectice if taken within 24 hours, then the odds of a chance anyway prega are about 80%, so it is usually 10% if ovualtion really happened, if not then the chances are much lower, but the morning-after pill is very effective.

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